For the construction of an Accessory Housing Unit or ADU, They require a permit process so that they allow the validity of the environment, in case these are not possessed it will be very difficult for a person to reside in the place; in fact, there is a greater chance of getting into a legal trouble for unspecified construction.
The permits to be taken into account must be handled in the following order:
1) Communication with the construction management and planning for construction of the work
2) Compliance with construction requirements (all mentioned above)
3) Fill out the application form for ADU
4) Submission of construction plans to the ADU for verification, the estimated delay time for approval is 120 total days.
5) Once the plans are approved, the construction process is allowed to begin.
These legal steps must be followed to be able to approve everything related to the construction of ADU since it continues to be maintained as an action prior approval for all the indications that may indicate a bad construction for the use of benefits or an illegal construction on property not conditioned for it.